2024-07-29 09:00:07
齊魯網·閃電新聞7月29日訊 走進鴻陸智能科技(山東)有限公司繁忙的“智造車間”,在這里,每60分鐘,就有一塊三元流葉輪雕琢完成,300多個零部件,打造出一臺高性能的空氣懸浮離心增氧機。由于其軸承與轉子之間實現“零摩擦”,這項技術可節省電費超30%,噪音降至70分貝,讓水產養殖戶的利潤“省出來”,引領了生態養殖業朝著自動化和智能化方向發展。
In the smart factory of Honglu Intelligent Technology, every 60 minutes, a three-bladed impeller can be carved. Crafted from over 300 components, a high-performance air-bearing centrifugal oxygenator is assembled. This innovative technology features zero friction between its bearings and rotor, resulting in over 30% electricity cost savings and noise reduction to a mere 70 decibels. This not only boosts farmers' profits but also paves the way for the aquaculture industry through automation and intelligent systems.
閃電新聞記者 尹承謙 劉蓓 李楊 實習記者 劉慶威 濰坊報道
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