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菏澤學院新西蘭籍外教Theresa Banks:牡丹連接了我的“兩個故鄉”


作者:孔然 叢潤祺

2024-04-11 08:32:04


齊魯網·閃電新聞4月11日訊 2024菏澤牡丹國際傳播論壇將于4月12日舉行。來自新西蘭的Theresa Banks來到菏澤牡丹園漫步賞花,感受濃郁的春天氣息。她說,每年春天,新西蘭南島的部分地區也會開滿牡丹花,這一朵朵小小的牡丹連接起了我的第一故鄉與第二個家鄉。如果我想家了,就會在牡丹園散步,拍照記錄下與家鄉一樣的美景。

The 2024 Heze Peony International Communication Forum will be held on April 12th. Theresa Banks from New Zealand came to Heze Peony Garden to appreciate the flowers and feel the strong spring atmosphere. She said that every spring, the South Island Park in New Zealand is also filled with peonies. The small peonies connect my first and second hometowns. If I miss home, I will take a walk in the peony garden and take photos to record the beautiful scenery here, just like my hometown.

閃電新聞記者 孔然 叢潤祺 鞏勝義 定陶臺 閆曉娜 李麗 報道

[責任編輯:孔然 劉玉良 楊本敬 韓信]

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